Yeay sekarang dah masuk sem 3, which is the last sem. horay! But so much things to do...
Really need to manage time very well or else everything will be wrong and we don't want that to happen kann
So sekarang aku rasa energy macam dah depleted. One of reasons maybe i miss home and of course my parents. Do you guys ever that feeling 'meroyan' bila lama tak balik rumah. I'm not thinking straight right now. many things slipped out of my mind and i can't focus. So next week i'm going homeee.. Yeay. Dah kenapa benda tu pun nak share kat blog.
Kadang-kadang rasa takut jugak, sebab aku ni baru foundation,belum lagi degree. And I have to face the same situation again for about 4 years. I mean not just about missing home, but to face all assignments and all,.you know.. But to think again, others can survive and do well, ak pun boleh buat kan? InsyaAllah.
And aku rasa sepanjang aku study ni tipulah kalau aku cakap aku happy je bila kawan aku dapat excellent marks for quizzes, exam and all that stuff. Tak baik kan aku. Aku selalu pikir kenapalah aku jadi macam ni. Sangat tak best. Rasa macam busuk nya dalaman aku. Bukan aku tak try nak happy with their success, but that only happens for a short time. Bila diorang dapat excellent marks untuk yang lain, aku jadi jeles balik.
So how to overcome this guyss?? Aku rasa macam kawan yang jahat tahap petala ke 8 cause i'm supposed to be happy for them. Kalau dengki tu boleh menyebabkan aku usaha lagi kuat takpe lah jugak, but the problem is aku rasa macam lagi takde semangat, sebab aku pikir aku kurang pandai. sobs. :(
So guyss any suggestion to reduce this 'kedengkian'?